Confidently & profitably grow your eComm store with Facebook & Instagram Advertising

without spending more time on social media, sacrificing precious family time or struggling all on your own.
(even if you have tried and not succeeded before.)


You have the (cap)ability to scale your business with Facebook & Instagram ads.

Diving into ads for your ecomm business can seem overwhelming, I know. Especially when the way it currently looks for you is ANYTHING but easy.

You may have tried to do this a few times and you're over the juggle of up and down sales.

If you're being honest, trying to grow your online store all by yourself downright SUCKS.

You spend hours and hours everyday trying to work out how to sell more of your products, so you can pay yourself and add new stock.

You're forever on Instagram, mostly going down the rabbit hole and not really creating content that makes a difference to your bottom line.

You do a ton of work, but you're simply NOT seeing the dollars appear in your bank account (and seeing it dwindle is a scary sight).

You feel like you've tried EVERYTHING, like posting on every social platform under the sun, moving your website header around, taking new pictures of your products and even dancing on reels, but you still feel really down and frankly exhausted.

You're so focused on marketing and making more sales that you're worried you'll never figure it out. Maybe waiting is the answer. Spoiler: it's not.

You're not sure another course or program can help you, but you're ready for REAL answers. You're tired of wasting time, money, energy on methods that give you ZERO results. And you're done with trying to figure this out yourself.

Truth bomb 💣 Your efforts up until now haven't helped you achieve your dream income one bit.

Maybe they've given you some great ideas or things you know you "should" do, but you still somehow slip back into old habits, or worse...overwhelm.

You're ready to give up altogether because it's looking like NOTHING will work. I know, I have seen my clients struggle with this over and over again, which is why I'm so excited to bring all of my expert solutions to YOU.

Heya, I'm Bianca McKenzie

I love working with purpose driven entrepreneurs who have a product that inspires happiness or leaves a legacy.

I especially love partnering with them to create a bigger impact by helping them scale their business and serve more clients or customers with strategic, results driven Facebook Ads.

That's why I help eComm store owners achieve $10K months with a combination of marketing magic & scaling dust (aka Facebook & Instagram ads).

Over the past 10 years I've worked with hundreds of clients and small businesses, so I know what the pitfalls are of growing and eComm store. I also know what sets those who scale effortlessly apart and can help you do the same.

With the right foundations, a website that sells like hotcakes and intentional marketing stacking blocks we can turn your business into the one you've been dreaming of.

What you've done until now has made some impact. It wasn't all for nothing.
We can build on it.

Because you know what happens when you finally know how to scale your business with ease?

You wake up every morning EXCITED to tackle your marketing, because you have the knowledge you need to handle it like a PRO. You've totally got this and those dream income months are yours.

The dollars 💰 come flooding into your business and you finally feel the stress float away because you're confident running your ads and scaling your business.

You have more time for things you love doing now that you're not STRESSING about how you're going to make more sales in your store, which means your family gets to see you more and you have more time for yourself. (Book in that weekend away!)

Can you imagine how it would feel to look at your bank account at the end of the month and do a little happy dance?

How would things be different if you consistently sold your products, had money in the bank, could clock off when you wanted and were growing a business without the stress and hustle?

Imagine being able to:

  • Easily attract more traffic, and more BUYERS to your online store
  • Predict your sales and income every month
  • Celebrate $5K, $10K, $15K months regularly 🎉
  • Show them exactly what they’re interested in so they’re more likely to purchase
  • Stop spending so much time shouting into the void and get targeted with who you attract to your store
  • Confidently set up a system to bring you sales continuously and consistently
  • Predict that for every dollar you spend in advertising you’d get $5, $10, $50 or more back
  • Celebrate bigger months with more sales and more revenue
  • Finally have the financial freedom you had in mind when you started your online store

eComm Expansion is like having a growth strategist in your pocket to fast-track your eComm growth

The program to setting up Facebook & Instagram ads that will elevate your brand, increase your traffic, boost your revenue and put your store sales on autopilot. (Yes, seriously... I'll personally guide and show you how)

At last, I'm sharing the exact steps to create high converting Facebook Ads campaigns to scale your online store. Made Simple.

High converting, proven strategies

The Facebook ads manager dashboard is a powerhouse that offers you so many tactics and ways to set up your ads. It can be confusing at best and a nightmare at worst. I’m sharing proven strategies and tactics that have worked for many of my clients & students and have consistently created incredible results. 

Learn from someone who is in the trenches every single day

The lessons and resources you get access to are proven to work in today’s Facebook ads climate. You’ll get access to the latest insights and strategies that work right now, and I know because this is what I do for my clients

Follow & copy along video training

The pre-recorded content is excellent at supporting your growth journey. If you learn best by copying what someone else is doing, this is meant for you. Inside I’m sharing my screen so that you can see exactly which buttons to press and fields to complete. You can follow along, pause and copy what I demonstrate.

It's time to be the next eComm success story!

By the end of the program, you'll be able to:

Recognise what makes a high converting website that sells your products every day.

Increase your conversion rate and average order value so you're making money, not wasting it.

Confidently grow your audience, increase your traffic and scale your online store sales with Facebook & Instagram ads.

Predict your sales from ads rather than use a spaghetti-at-the-wall strategy.

Book some time away because your store is ticking over and your bank account is filling up.

Do it over and over!

Get ready for these knock-your-socks-off ads & marketing lessons and resources:

1. Foundations of Facebook & Instagram ads

This module is all about building your ad foundation so you get the best possible results. As fast as possible. I have a whole bag of tricks and tried-and-tested methods to create Ads that convert. After all, conversion is high on the priority list!

Training Included:

  • All about Facebook Business Manager
  • Foundations of Facebook ads
  • Facebook ads terminology

2. Your business & ads

Before you advertise, you need to be ready. There's nothing more wasteful than driving traffic to a website that's not ready for it. In this module we'll be looking at your business, your website and whether you're ready for ads or if we need to make a few tweaks.

Training Included:

  • How to make your website ads ready
  • Getting your socials up to speed to support your ads 
  • How emails can support your sales
  • All the techy parts to get ready for ads

3. Your audience

I'm probably going to be yet another boring marketer that keeps going on about how important your audience is. Well, if you try to be everything to everyone, you'll really be nothing to no-one. In this module we're going to sort out your audience research once and for all.

Training Included:

  • Determine who your audience actually is 
  • Learn how to use Facebook and other tools for audience research
  • Setting up audiences inside of ads manager

4. Social content

Facebook ads are not an island. On their own they only perform so so. What makes them go BOOM 💥 is your supporting content including your social media. What you post on the 'gram and your Facebook page matters. That's why, inside this module, you'll learn how to support your ads with organic social content.

Training Included:

  • Facebook & Instagram content 
  • Creating reels and stories 
  • Repurposing your organic content
  • Email marketing for eCommerce

5. Ad strategy

The best results come from those who plan their journey. That's exactly what we'll be doing in this module. You'll map out your ads plan and prepare your ads content before you even set a foot inside ads manager. Inside this module you'll learn more about writing copy that sells and creating images that stop the scroll.

Training Included:

  • Planning your strategy 
  • Advertising content 
  • Creating copy that sells
  • Using images that sell

6. Ad set up

Advertising in 2022 is a whole different ball-game than it was 5 years ago. You'll need to know how to create a number of different ads to really get the most out of your strategies. Inside this module I'll be teaching you how to set up 9 different types of Facebook ads to attract your clients, build a connection and convert them to buyers. You won't use them all at once but you will learn which one is best for your business and your goals.

Training Included:

  • Traffic & reach campaigns 
  • Lead generation campaigns 
  • Conversion campaigns
  • and more

7. Analysing ads

Once your ads are up and running you'll need to know how well they're doing. In this module we'll look at your results, how to interpret them and what to do next. You'll learn about troubleshooting as well as scaling and optimising.

Training Included:

  • How to read and interpret results  
  • Troubleshooting and/or scaling your ads 
  • Tracking methods to be in the know 24/7
  • Techy tricks for tracking

BONUS 1: Ad calculator

What if you could know how much you're going to make from your ads before you run them?

Facebook ads are part art, part science and part maths. If you know the numbers in your business it's actually reasonably easy to predict what kind of outcome you can expect from your Facebook & Instagram ads.

With this handy calculator you'll be able to predict how much money your ads will bring in and at what cost.

BONUS 2: Ad copy scripts

Copywriting can be tricky. You'll sit there, staring at your screen for much too long. I know the feeling. Creating ads copy is one of the hardest parts of my job.

That's why I've done some of the work for you. I've spent ages staring at the screen. Just kidding. I spent ages writing ads copy for you. All you need to do is make it personal and upload it to ads manager.

Inside the training you'll find 10 different copy scripts for your sales ads and retargeting ads.

BONUS 3: Create images with Canva

Believe it or not, but your creative is one of the most important parts of your ad.

People tend to see the image first, and read the copy later. That's why I'm going to show you how to create scroll stopping images, reels and stories.

You'll discover how to use Canva to create or lift up your product images so that your buyers can't do anything but click on your ad.

Here's what's inside:

  • Step-by-step Facebook & Instagram advertising video trainings
    Learn how to craft, design and set up Facebook and Instagram ads for your online store that will attract your audience, increase your traffic, elevate your brand and boost your store sales. 
  • Step-by-step eCommerce marketing trainings
    Facebook ads are great, but they're nothing without the foundations and some solid marketing strategies. Learn how to set up your website, business and socials for sales that support your Facebook & Instagram ads. (👈This is what all of the other programs skip, and why your ads are not working any longer!)
  • Facebook ads calculator
    Use the handy calculator spreadsheet to predict your Facebook advertising return on investment before spending any actual money on advertising. 
  • Swipe file of advertising examples
    Get inspiration from my personal database of advertising examples so you know what to create and set up for your own store to get the best possible return from your ads.
  • Done for you copy scripts
    Skip the challenging task of writing copy for your Facebook and Instagram ads with my done-for-you scripts. I’ve created 10 copy scripts that you can easily adapt and use for your own ads and start selling more right now.
  • Guest experts to support your marketing journey
    Learn from our guest experts in copy writing, email marketing, Google Analytics, Pinterest, Instagram and more on how to build and grow a profitable eCommerce business.

You get 12+ months access to all the course materials. After that I'm retiring this course!

Are you ready for $5k, $10K, $15k months?

Scale your online store sales with eComm Expansion 👇

Get instant access to:

  • Step by step Facebook ads video training
  • Step by step ecommerce marketing training
  • Facebook ads calculator
  • Swipe file of advertising examples
  • Done for you copy scripts & templates
  • Guest expert training
  • Access until December 2025

$997 $37

Yes, once upon a time this program sold for $997 😲 but I'm retiring it so you get it for just $37

Yes, I want to scale

Prices are in Australian dollars
GST will be added for Australian buyers

What happens after you clickety-click that magical button?

You'll be taken to a payment portal. You get access for just $37 because I'm retiring this program at the end of 2025! (It's $2K+ per month for me to manage your ads, so this is an absolute steal!) Choose your adventure with any major credit card to complete your enrollment. Yeehaa!

Right after you pay, you'll get a confirmation with all of your deets (where to go, how to log in, etc.) Hello, immediate access to my treasure trove of marketing goodness! Oh la la!

This is a self-study program that I ran live in 2022/23. The lessons are still super valid but in some videos the infrastructure might look different or have a different name. That's literally the only thing... this program is still worth its weight in gold and will help you so much with growing your ecomm business!

Why am I retiring this program?
Simply because I don't work with ecomm businesses right now and mostly focus on helping course creators grow their audiences and sales (still with Facebook & Instagram ads).

Play along, take action, do the work and reap the rewards.
Let's do this 💪

Who am I to teach you about scaling your business (with Facebook ads?)

Bianca is a growth strategist who helps eCommerce brands and course creators scale their business so they can make a bigger impact, have the freedom they desire and make the money they dream of.

She's passionate about supporting businesses because she knows firsthand the struggle of not having the sales and income they dream of. Freedom is her highest value and with money, we can achieve freedom (and more!).

Over her 10 years as a Facebook ads strategist and online marketer for course creators and eCommerce brands, she's been responsible for over 50 clients, taking them from 5 to 6 and 7 figure businesses.

She has helped eComm store owners like YOU do all of that, at a fraction of the cost of hiring her one-on-one, with her group program eComm Expansion. When she's not teaching or managing ads campaigns for 6 and 7 figure clients, you can find Bianca outside with the family pony, camping, hiking or skiing. Yep, she's a cool, real person (just like you).

What people are saying:

"I’ve known for a long time that Bianca is my go-to person for all things Facebook advertising and recently I finally hired her for some one-to-one coaching. I learnt SO much in a short time and loved how she could explain all the intricacies so beautifully; I also felt empowered by all the knowledge she’s gleaned from managing so many varied Facebook advertising campaigns. The only thing I regret is not having done this sooner!”

Amanda Kendle - Blogging & Social Media Consultant

"As the owner of an e-commerce business, I knew that I needed to start running ads to my audience to maximise my large Instagram following and increase leads from Facebook.  I did some free Shopify training on Facebook ads, and whilst it taught me some great skills, there was still quite a gap in my knowledge.  I did Bianca’s course after ‘meeting’ her in another digital group.

The course covered everything I was looking for and more, right down to, how to work out whether ads are even right for you.  I found the value in the course, for the price I paid, was excellent, with so much content and live recorded trainings that made it easy to follow along with.

I would definitely recommend this course to other product based businesses, even if you intend to outsource ads, this will give you great functional knowledge to know what you want to achieve and not waste your hard earned cash."

Samantha Bright -

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You sell physical products via your own online shop (think Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce etc, but not Etsy) 
  • Your average order value or product that you sell is at least $50, but ideally more (I'm going to be honest here... getting a return on your ad spend for a low priced product or low average order value is incredibly hard, and sometimes impossible.)
  • You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and figure out Facebook and Instagram ads once and for all, elevating your brand and increasing your online store sales to support your dream life.
  • You’ve been building an audience on social media for a while, you’ve sold your beautiful products but you want to speed things up and grow your store and income even further.
  • You’d like a little hand-holding and are looking for ongoing expert, tailored-to-your-business, support (not just a one off session, but a year long).
  • You’re not afraid to try something new, are serious about changing the way you work and committed to do the work.
  • You’re ready to scale your store to $10K months and beyond.

Facebook ads are not a magic pill 💊, but they're pretty darn amazing at bringing you more buyers!

Why is today the right time to join?

If you've made it this far, you're probably waiting for a sign from the Universe 🌈

You've got this 💪

Maybe you're weighing up the options?

You could use the money to buy lunch.

Or use the money to get support, content, and community that could bring in the bucks for you to buy tons more stock? (Oh yeh!)

But like all good things, this offer WILL come to an end ⏰

Don't be late, your business growth is waiting for you. You only have a limited amount of time to make a decision (not because I'm a mean, money-hungry gal, but because I care about your results and I don't want you to procrastinate one minute longer). Plus this is the very last time I'm offering access to this program. It's time for me to retire this gem 💎 (at the end of 2025 it'll disappear forever)

Here's what 💥 results look like for my clients:

Are you ready for $5K, $10K, $15K months?

Scale your online store with eComm Expansion 👇

Get instant access to:

  • Step by step Facebook ads video training
  • Step by step ecommerce marketing training
  • Facebook ads calculator
  • Swipe file of advertising examples
  • Done for you copy scripts & templates
  • Guest expert training
  • Access until December 2025

$997 $37

Yes, once upon a time this program sold for $997 😲 but I'm retiring it so you get it for just $37

Prices are in Australian dollars
GST will be added for Australian buyers

Got questions?
I have answers:

Is This Program Right For Me?

This is a beginner to intermediate level self-study program for anyone who wants to scale their store to $10K months. It's focused on growing your eComm store with the ultimate aim of scaling with Facebook ads. It's ideal if you've never run Facebook ads but have setup your ads account, have boosted a few posts or run a campaign or two and are ready to learn more. It's essential that you have your own store (like Shopify, WooCommerce, Big commerce etc) and not a store on someone else's platform like Etsy.

How does eComm Expansion compare to other Facebook Ad programs that are $2,000 or more?

Well, I haven't done every other Facebook Ad Program out there, but I do know eComm Expansion and it is full of information that many of the expensive programs I've seen either skim over or miss out completely. Lots of other programs completely skip the foundations and often don't offer live support. It's is well worth 10 x the price that it is. It's simply priced so that it can be accessible to anyone who needs to learn Facebook Ads from a trusted source.

Who can I contact if I have website issues?

If you need to contact us, please email Please note that we do not offer free one-on-one consultations. Email contact is solely for admin purposes.

How do I join the program?

We use a private platform as our delivery platform. You'll be asked to create an account when you purchase the course. If you have trouble with accessing the course, please let us know via

How is this program taught?

This online program is taught in video format with supporting documents. Although it was mostly recorded in 2022/2023 the course content is still very relevant with the latest strategies. You get to copy what I'm doing on my screen.

Can't I just find this information on Google?

I tried that for a couple years myself…and left with very little to show for it. (Yikes). A lot of the info you’ll find on Google was written ages ago (or published without a date?!) with strategies that are now obsolete.  

Don’t make the mistake of spending all your time trawling old blog posts with outdated information. Instead, eComm Expansion shares proven methods you’ll only find inside the program. It’s also updated on a regular basis to ensure that the lessons are relevant and fresh, because let’s be honest, we all know Facebook ads changes every second!

I promised myself not to buy another program. Why should I sign up?

You can either learn to scale your online store the hard way and waste more money than the price of this program, or you can join us, invest a little bit of time, and walk away with conversions and no extra grey hairs.  

Most programs aren’t setup in a practical way, and have lots of unnecessary stuff leading you to feel overwhelmed. Unlike other programs out there, this program walks you through the process, every step of the way with a video for you to follow along. You’ll get your ads up and running in no time, and you’ll see results.

I'm not very technical, will I be able to do this?

Absolutely! As long as you are open to learning new things you will be fine. For anything somewhat technical I demonstrate how to do it yourself through my video tutorials that you can follow along.

Which ecomm website platforms do you cover?

This program can be used for most website platforms, but we demonstrate pixel setup and other functions in the most commonly used platforms (Shopify and WordPress + Woocommerce). We do recommend a website that's self-hosted and not an external platform such as Etsy.

What businesses do you work with?

My students and clients range from fashion, footwear, skincare, artwork, crystals, baby sleep consultants, specialty sports products, candle makers, jewellery, kids toys & books, homewares, eco products and stationery. If you're unsure if this will work for your business, contact us on

What date does the program start?

You can start today! This is the last time that I'm accepting people into this course. You'll get access until December 2025 as I'll be retiring the course. That's why you can now get access for just $37.

I have more questions, how can I ask them?

If you have more questions about the program and if it's right for you, please feel free to email or book a call here.

What If I discover that this program isn't for me, will I be able to get a refund?

I’ve poured my heart and soul into this program, and I truly believe in the value it provides. Because I'm offering this course at such a low price, because I'm retiring it at the end of 2025 there will be no refunds offered. When you sign up you acknowledge that you're ready to scale your business and you're ALL IN and ready to do the work for the next 12+ months.

Ready to scale your online store?

There has never been a better time for you scale your online store and use Facebook & Instagram ads to drive more traffic to your website & attract more buyers 💵 💶 💷.

Let's get started

Student love:

"Before your training I found FB ads a nightmare. I wasn't feeling confident about investing money into ads. I now feel much more confident after seeing some neat targeting features that I'll be using. I also have a better idea of what success metrics I should be aiming for."

Sandra Muller -

"As the owner of an e-commerce business, I knew that I needed to start running ads to my audience to maximise my large Instagram following and increase leads from Facebook.  I did some free Shopify training on Facebook ads, and whilst it taught me some great skills, there was still quite a gap in my knowledge.  I did Bianca’s course after ‘meeting’ her in another digital group.

The course covered everything I was looking for and more, right down to, how to work out whether ads are even right for you.  I found the value in the course, for the price I paid, was excellent, with so much content and live recorded trainings that made it easy to follow along with.

I would definitely recommend this course to other product based businesses, even if you intend to outsource ads, this will give you great functional knowledge to know what you want to achieve and not waste your hard earned cash."

Samantha Bright -

Are you ready for $5K, $10K, $15K months?

Scale your online store with eComm Expansion 👇

Get instant access to:

  • Step by step Facebook ads video training
  • Step by step ecommerce marketing training
  • Facebook ads calculator
  • Swipe file of advertising examples
  • Done for you copy scripts & templates
  • Guest expert training
  • Access until December 2025

$997 $37

Yes, I once upon a time this program sold for $997 😲 but I'm retiring it so you get access for $37

Prices are in Australian dollars
GST will be added for Australian buyers